Sunday, November 29, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving 2015

Last Pic with Elder Jarvis before we went home.

Me with other "refuerzos" (new missionaries) that came with me. They are awesome!

My new companion, Elder Tingey!

Jones and Yemi!!

Dear family and friends,
 First of all, happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you all are enjoying your time off from school and continue to have a great week and a great holiday! I will not be havinbg Thanksgiving because they obviously do not celebrate that here so eat an extra plate of food for me! Especially some yams! I am going to miss those and mashed potatoes so eat lots of those! As you all know, Elder Núñez left me and went to a new area so I now have a new companion. His name is Elder Tingey and he is awesome! He is from Arizona and has a little over nine months in his mission. He did not know that he would be finishing my training (the first 12 weeks in the field we have a special training we have to do) and found out this week. He has never trained before but is an awesome missionary! I am super excited to learn from him these next 6 weeks! I am still in the same area which I am super excited about because I love Loma Hermosa and all the people here! We didn´t have a super successful week but that is okay! We ended the week really well and are going to have a great week this week! This past weekend we had stake conference and it was amazing! We had a member of the Quorum of the Seventy there and President and Hermana Robertson as well who all spoke. It was super good and I learned a lot! They challenged us to read the book of mormon before the next general conference in April. This is my challenge to you all as well. No matter where you are in your reading, start over and read it cover to cover before the next conference! I know you will be blessed as you do this with many blessings! I am going to be doing it with you and know you can all do it! Not a lot happened this week so I don´t have that much to write. The only thing I have to say is no matter how bad things get or how hard things are, keep moving forward! Things will always get better and there is always a bright side. Whatever you are going through right now in your lives, remember to have a positive attitude and keep looking for the blessings you have and all the good things in life and things will start to turn around. You will notice more blesings and be more happy! I guess I have two challenges this week.. Try everyday to recognize the blessings you have and to no matter how bad things are to focus on those good things. I know you all know how positive I have always been and how easy it is for me to be positive but I know you all will be blessed as you do this, no matter how hard it is! Sorry this email is so short, not a lot happened this week. I love and miss you all very much and hope to hear from you soon! Have a great week!
Elder Petersen

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