I had another amazing week here in Argentina and am still loving it here! I am so lucky the Lord has given me these two years to serve him and serve these amazing people here! I love each and every one of them and am so grateful that Heavenly Father has blessed me to have just a fraction of the love that he has for each and every one of them and all of us! Saturday we had Yesica´s baptism and it was amazing! Her husband was able to baptize her which was an amazing experience for him and her. I have loved seeing the change of heart in both of them and the joy they have from living the gospel of Jesus Christ and following His commandments. The joy I have from seeing investigators progress is far greater than I ever thought I would feel before my mission and I love seeing the happiness they have from strengthening their relationships with Heavenly Father. Yesterday was really weird! We had to go the mission office to take Elder Jarvis there because he leaves this week and I had to say goodbye to him. Ever since then we have been in a trio with Elder Núñez and Elder Vance, which is different but not bad! Last night I had my first transfer call and found out that.... I am staying here in Loma Hermosa!! I am so excited to stay here at leat one more transfer because this are is amazing and will always have a special place in my heart being my first. The bad news is that Elder Núñez is leaving me! He is going to be a zone leader in a different zone. I do not know who my new companion will be and I am a little nervous to find out but I know he will be great whoever it is and I will love him! I find out tomorrow so you will get to hear all about him next week! Earlier in the week I had tramites again to be able to live here legally basically. While there I had a prompting that I needed to talk with this girl. I didn´t do anything about it and really didn´t think much of it. About 20 minutes later I got the same prompting. I told the other missionaries that I was with that I was going to do it but after about 10 mintues I still had´nt. The feeling came so strong that I had to talk with her! I went and sat down next to her and just started talking! It turns out she is from France but is attending school here in Buenos Aires. She has been here for four months and loves it here just like I do! She asked what I was doing here and I was able to explain what we do as missionaries and stuff like that. Just as we started to talk about the gospel her name got called to get her paper so she could leave. I was super disappointed when this happened! I knew this was because I waited when I had the prompting. I didn´t want to feel this way again so I have decided that as soon as I get a prompting or a feeling to do something I am going to do it right away! That is my challenge for you all this week. If you get a prompting that you should do something, do it! And do it right away, don´t wait! I promise this will bless you in your lives and I would really like to hear about the experiences you have with this. If you have one please tell me about it next Monday or any other Monday! Weird thing of food from the week: Blood sausage! Actually, it was really good and I didn´t mind it! The food here is actually really good but I am not picky and like basically anything which helps! I haven´t spilled anything yet either which is also good! haha I hope you all are doing great and know how much I love and miss you all! Have a great week and we will talk next week!
Love,Elder Petersen
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