Well this week was full of lots of firsts! I will start at the beginning of the week. On Tuesday I had my first division which is where we switch companionsfor a day and learn from them. I went with Elder Vance in my area. He is in the same ward and we live in the same apartment so it wasn´t really much different. One thing I liked that he did that I have now done is carry around a book of mormon in my hand always when I am walking. I never did that before I just had them in my bag but I really like doing this! It makes it easier to contact which we have made more of a focus for this week. A contact is just walking up to someone and start talking to them about the gospel. It isn´t very easy but it is a great way to find investigators! I also had another division on Friday and this was my first division where I left my apratment and stayed at another apartment. This one was with the zone leader too. It went super well and I learned a ton from him! He told me how much better I am doing than him after his first month here and invited me to keep pushing forward. Just because I am doing so well, don´t get comfortable and always go the extra mile in everything. Knowing me you all already knew that was my plan and I don´t want to be anything but the best. There isn´t really a way to measure being the best missionary but as long as I feel like I am giving everything I have and doing everything I can is all that matters and that is what I have been trying to do and what I am going to continue to do! Wednesday I had my first wedding here! Yesica and Eduardo got married!! Yesica can now get baptized and is getting baptized this Saturday which I am super excited for!! Her new husband Eduardo is going to baptize er as well which is something incredible! I have seen such a change in them just from the short time I have known them, it is amazing! I had tramites Thursday which is where I become a legal citizen here in Argentina. I didn´t really know what was going on and just kinda did what I was told. I have to go back this week to finish it and I know everything will work out and be fine. Saturday was my first baptism!! Camila , who is 9 years old, was baptized. It was an amazing baptismal service and the spirit was so strong! She know has the holy ghost as a constant companion which is an amazing blessing and something that has helped me so much in my life! Yesterday I had to translate from spanish to english what was being said during sacrament meeting to the two Nigerians here! It was very difficult but an incredible experience for me! It actually is weird teaching in english! I know that I nwas only able to do that and to speak and understand as well as I do through the power of Heavenly Father and the gift of tonues! I also had my first pizza delivered this week which was actually really good, but nothing like the states! The food is pretty good here though! I had my first asado which is like a barbaque and it was amazing!! I had my first weird food here, intestine, which was surprisingly super good! I also had my first factura this week which is like a pasrty dessert kind of thing they have here and that was also really good! Sorry this email is kind of all over the place! An hour and a half flies by when I am trying to email and I want to email as many of you as I can and answer all your questions so I do my best but sometimes I don´t make sense and I am very sorry for that! As of last week I have over a month here in Argentina! It is crazy how fast the time is going by! I am still loving it here and love being a missionary! I hope you are all doing great and know that you are all in my prayers! Love and miss you all! Until next week!
Elder Petersen
Love this Blog. You have a great son!