Monday, December 12, 2016

Don't Judge a "book" by its cover! 12.12.16

This is from my last area Mariano Acosta, it is Morena and Juan. Juan is a member  and Morena is going to get baptized.  She is 12 Years old!

This is the Flores family alsofrom Mariano. Our last night there they floured us... A lot of missionaries have ended their missions there recently so they started a tradition in doing that and they did it to us as well... 

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend and are getting as excited as I am for Christmas! Only 13 more days!! Keep "lighting the world" and remembering why we celebrate this time of year!

This week was a really good week with lots of special experiences! This Wednesday we had to travel to Ramos to the mission office for a meeting we had and we were there all day. On our way back we were waiting for the train and we were hot and tired and just ready to get home take our suits off and work in our new area! While we are waiting for the train an older man was staring at us and wouldn´t stop looking at us. I looked over to my companion and asked him what the guys deal was. Before we know it he came over and started talking to us. The first thing he did was thank us for our work and for dedicating time as young people to help other people believe in Jesus Christ. After this I felt really bad. We continued to talk to him but we was partially deaf so we had to write down all our questions and everything we wanted to ask him down in our agendas and then he would answer. He was a very special man and it was one of the most humbling experiences I have had in my mission. We ended up letting three trains pass by just to be able to talk to this man and help him learn a little bit more about Jesus Christ. The cool part was that he knew by memory about half of the bible! I learned a really big lesson from this experience! The gospel of Jesus Christ is for EVERYONE! Men ,women, old, young, black, white, rich or poor, Jesus Christ suffered for each and everyone of us. It is our responsibility to use this soecial gift He has given us! Many times we forget that the atonement doesn´t only clean usfrom our sins, but it also helps us to do hard things. We can do hard things! As we rely on the Lord and put our faith in Him, we are able to accomplish anything! I hope you can all remember that always and put it in practice in your lives! I am very grateful for this humbling experience that the Lord gave me because it was a special moment an dlesson that I really needed! 

I hope you all have a wonderful week and enjoy this special time of year!

Elder Petersen 

Monday, December 5, 2016

More Changes 12.5.16

Happy December to all! I hope everyone has put up the Christmas tree and all the other decorations and started listening to Christmas Music, we sure have! 

 This week was one of the best weeks of my mission! We worked super hard and our hardwork paid off! Something we are focusing on right now in the mission is working with the members and we had lots of success doing that this week! Elder Ortolano and I are super excited because we are going to be able to do that even better this new transfer. This week we had a meeting with President Robertson and our stake president and it went really well! President Fernandez wants to help and has always loved doing visits with the missionaries but for the past year and a half ever since the zone leaders were taken out of his ward he hasn´t worked with them as much as he would like. President Robertson was happy to hear about all the things the stake of Marcos Paz is doing to help the missionary work and granted President Fernandez wish; We will now be working in Arco Iris! I didn´t think I would be getting a new area so soon, but I am very excited for the new oportunities that will come in Arco Iris! The good thing about only being in an area for two weeks is that it isn´t as hard to say goodbye to the people. Although I will miss the many great members and people I got to know here in Mariano Acosta, I am very excited to be in Arco Iris. On Saturday when President let us know what would be happening I went to my new area to be able to get to know the people a little and I loved it! It is similar to where I am now but there was just something special that I am super excited to figure out what it is! 

 Yesterday the stake of Marcos Paz had their stake conference and it was super good! We made plans with 12 investigators to go and were super excited to have them all there! The plans didn´t turn out as we had hoped and only one was able to make it.. Although it was kind of discouraging, I know next week will be better and that the two new missionaries in this area will have all of them and more in church next week! I would like to share a story that was shared in the stake conference with you all. President and Hermana Robertson were driving down the streets of Brazil in the poring rain when they passed a bus stop where a young mother was waiting for the bus with her little child in her arms. They passed the women and then Hermana Robertson asked if President had seen the woman on the side of the road. He replied that he had seen her and that he felt very bad for her. She then told President how she had a strong desire to tell her that she is loved by her Father in Heaven and that He has a plan for her and her young family. They decided to turn around but when they had gotten back to where she was standing before, she was gone. For 25 years this experience haunted the both of them and how they missed the oportunity to share the gospel with this woman. Years later a similar experience happened in Peru. They passed a man on the side of the road crying. This time without hesitation they speedily returned to talk to this man. He had reently been robbed of all the items he was selling on the side of the road and the money he had. The Robertson´s were able to help him buy some new items to sell but more importantly testify of the Savior and His love for each and every one of us. We can learn a lot from this experience of the Robertson´s. I hope that we can all quicly recognize the promptings of the spirit, not hesitate and speedily act on these things. This week I invite you all to do this. I invite you to make goals on what you can do to better recognize the influence of the Holy Ghost in your lives. I know you will be blessed as you do this and will be able to receive even more of these promptings! 

 I love each and every one of you and am so grateful for your examples. I hope you all have a wonderful week! Talk to you soon! 

Elder Petersen

Monday, November 28, 2016

X ichigan Week 11.28.16

Family and friends,

 I hope you all enjoyed your thanksgiving week with your families and your week off school as well. For us Buckeye fans it was a very important week! Just in case you didn´t watch the game or hear about it, WE WON! Hope you are all praying that we make it in to the playoff like I am.

 Anyways, enough about sports! This week was a pretty crazy week but a really great one as well! I did more divisions this week than I had done in the past past three transfers in Santos Lugares! They all went really well and I was able to learn a lot! All the traveling did kill me though! On Tuesday I did divisions with a missionary from Ohio and it was lots of fun! He is pretty new still but I was impressed with his progression! We were able to find a new family to teach that is super awesome! I even gave him my Ohio State tie, a tie that I have been waiting to gift for a while now! He loved it and was very grateful! The next day we had divisions with the assistants and I was able to learn a lot! I am very grateful for the leaders the Lord gives us to help us progress and become better and more like our Savior every day. I know that all the leaders we have are called of God and I invite you all to come up with ways of how you can better follow the counsel of our leaders. The next day I traveled two hours in bus to do a baptismal interview for a little 9 year old girl who got baptized this Saturday! The drive reminded me a lot of idaho and made me realize how much I do love Idaho. Make the most of all the pretty views and amazing things you have there! he next day I came back to my area and was finally able to be with my companion Elder Ortolano for a day! We had an amazing day and put 5 baptismal dates for the month of December! We have lots of people to be able to meet our goal of baptizing every week this month but we don´t have anyone for this week! We have lots of people with all the lessons and enough times at church to be able to get baptized this week and we have planned to visit them tonight to help them understand the importance of baptism and how it will change their lives! This past weekend we had a baptism of a woman named Laura who is super awesome! The missionaries have taught her for a long time because her brother is in the bishopric of our ward and her husbands sister and familyare also members. They recently got married and she was able to get baptized this Saturday and it was very special! This week is very crucial for our investigators and they have to go to church this week to be able to reach the dates they have for their baptisms. This week is also stake conference which we are super excited about and know we will see lots of blessings for this special event! Please keep all the investigators in your prayers this week so they can al make it to church and their baptismal dates! I also invite you all to watch the church´s new Christmas video (Light the World) and look at the calender and make goals to try and do as many things as possible to help do your part in "lighting the world" this Christmas! I know you will feel more of the Christmas spirit as you do this and will enjoy this special time of the year a lot more as you use it to remember Christ and try to do what He did! 

 I hope you all have an amazing week and enjoy the new video! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, they are felt! 

Elder Petersen

Monday, October 31, 2016

#NOV94 10.31.16

Well this was one of the best weeks of my mission! I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be a representative of Jesus Christ and be here in Argentina! At the beginning of this week I met my new companion, Elder Tanner, and we got right to work! He is from Utah and is super great! He came with great desires to serve others and already speaks really well! This week we received the goals for baptisms and confirmations for November and December and they are higher than they ever have been, 94 in November and 376 in  December! 94 is because we are 94 companionships in the mission and the goals is that every companionship can baptize this month! 376 is 94 times 4 for 4 weeks in December. We are going to baptize every week in December every companionship! I was a little surprised when I heard these goals but I am so excited! I know that through faith and hard work we can accomplish anything! The Lord does not give us anything that we cannot do! We are going to need your prayers to help us meet this goal.

We have already seen lots of miracles this week as we have been trying to find people to teach and prepare for baptism in November and December, I will share a few.. Michael our investigator that we have been working with for quite a while now went to church with us yesterday like he always does. On our way to church I asked him if he has thought about his baptism recently and he said "yes, I actually wanted to talk about that. I want to get baptized!" We were so happy for him and his decision and he is going to get baptized the 19th! Cristian Gomez made it to church on time yesterday with his family yesterday and they are getting closer and closer to being able to get married and then he will get baptized! Yesterday we were walking down the street after a lesson and we saw two women working on their little garden outside their house and we stopped to help and talk to them. We did a contact and basically just started teaching them. They paid attention and really enjoyed the lesson and were very grateful for the Book of Mormon we gave them! After the lesson they told us that they are never outside but they felt like they needed to be for some reason. It was a great blessing to be able to find that family that is very special! They have a little girl who is 4 who fell out of the second story window of their house when she was two and nothing happened to her! I know that she was protected by our loving Heavenly Father and that He has a special plan for her and her family and for all of us! I love being a missionary and meeting amazing people like this! 

Have an amazing week and please pray for our mission goal so that we can find people to teach and baptize! Love and miss you all so much! 

Elder Petersen

Monday, October 24, 2016

Transfers 10-24-16

Family and friends,

 How is everyone doing? I hope everyone had a great week and is doing well! This week was a great week for me and we ended the transfer really well! We worked super hard this last week and saw lots of blessings! With having to work in the both areas we lost a lot of time in traveling because the area is huge but we were able to focus on our investigators that are progressing the most. We focused a lot on a new investigator that we found. Her name is Lourdes and she is super awesome! She has had a pretty difficult life with lots of challenges but is really trying to change her life and focus on the good things and especially her faith in Jesus Christ. She has been reading and praying and came to church yesterday and is really progressing! She has a baptismal date for the 19th of November and we are super excited to see her continue progress! The bad thing is that she is in the other Elders area and we are going back to four missionaries tomorrow! We got the calls last night and I am staying here in Santos Lugares and I will be training again! I definitely didn´t see that one coming, especially with only three new elders coming to the mission but the Lord needs me to learn something and that is why He called me to train. I know that He qualifies those He calls and that I will be given His help and guidance as I train. 

 This week for a family home evening we watched the movie about President Monson "On the Lord´s Errand" and I loved it! If you haven´t seen it I encourage you all to see it because I learned a lot! It helped strengthen my testimony that prophets are called of God and prepared by Him to lead each and every one of us! I love his example of always following the promptings of the holy ghost and that is something I have learned a lot in the mission! Never hessitate on acting on the promptings or feelings you receive from the holy ghost and I promise you that you will never be led astray! I love you all so much and am very grateful for your examples! Have a great week and make sure you all follow the promptings you receive from the holy ghost! 


Elder Petersen

Monday, October 17, 2016

Dia de la madre flash! Oct. 17,2016

Hello family and friends! How is everyone doing? I hope everything is going well and you are enjoying the fall weather! It is heating up here and the humidity is killing us as missionaries with our shirts and ties but that doesn´t hold us back at all! 

This week was a crazy but really great week! It started off with a flash. Tuesday night at 10:00 we received a call from the assistants telling us that Elder Meneses would be heading to Moreno the next day! We both didn´t know what to think and were really shocked, especially after the great week we had together last week. He was super sad to leave his first area and it was hard to see him go but I am excited to see his progression and know that he will be a great missionary! Our last week together I think I finally learned what the Lord wanted me to learn from him and when i had finally learned it He sent Elder Meneses to where he needs to be right now and that was another testimony builder for me! Now I am in another trio... I think there is a rule in the Argentina Buenos Aires West Mission that if there is a trio in the mission Elder Petersen has to be a part of it! haha No, it actually isn´t too bad and the two Elders that I am with right now are both great and really fun to be with! We had a great week and worked really hard! 

This week we were trying to find a less active to help him we were walking through the street and a bunch of kids started saying stuff to us so we stopped and talked to them. We knew they wouldn´t want anything so we told them about the soccer field we have behind the church and invited them to play when they want and they started talking about how bad they would beat us and one even said he would dance with the ball around us. You all know me and can probably guess that we played a little game right there to show them that the "yankees" can play soccer too! We played three on three in the street to five and had a great time! People came out of their houses to watch their kids play and everyone was laughing and having a good time. Although we lost (only by one!), we had a good time and found some new people to teach out of it! You never know what things can bring opportunities to teach the gospel so always be ready to share your testimonies! 

Right now we are working with quite a few new investigators that we have found helping them progress. The investigator we have that is closest to baptism right now is Cristian Gomez. His family are all members and he is finally realizing that it is something he needs and wants to do! We are working on getting him and his wife married so he can get baptized and we are super excited for them and especially him! Speaking of marraige I ran into Eduardo and Yessica this week (a convert from my very first area) and they are doing great! They are getting sealed in the temple in just one month from today and their story is going to be in the December Liahona!! I am so very grateful for all the amazing people I have gotten to know here In Argentina and know that I was called here for many reasons! 

I love and miss you all so much and hope everything is going well! A big shout out to all the moms with it being mothers day here in Argentina (the only country that doesn´t have it in may)! Especially to my mom who is so amazing! Thank you for everything especially your great example of love and service! Have a wonderful week and talk to you soon! 
Elder Petersen

Monday, August 22, 2016

20th Bday 8.19.16

 What did you all do to celebrate my birthday?;) Just kidding haha We did enough celebrating here for me! Some of the members threw a surprise party for me and made me a huge cake and got me an argentina jersey! For lunch we had an asado which is very rare and another cake! It was really special! Good way to spend my only birthday in the mission! I really love this ward!  Love and miss you so much mom!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Out of the Offices! 8.17.16

Hello family and friends! 

How is everyone doing? I hope everyone is enjoying the last little bit of their summer and getting ready for school! I want to apologize for not writing for a while and I promise I will be better! This week was a really amazing week with lots of big changes! I have now left the offices and am in Santos Lugares, right next to where I started my mission in Loma Hermosa! The ward is super great and I love them already! What is even more crazy is my new companion! His name is Elder Meneses. He is from Brazil and now has one week in the mission! He is super awesome and is such a hard worker! We get along really well and are seeing lots of miracles! He already speacks really well and is learning very fast! He already teaches better than I do and is actually training me! I am learning a little Portuguese with him as well which is cool but not as cool as spanish, I was definitely called to Argentina for a reason! haha 

Here is one of the miracles that we have had since being here in Santos Lugares. On Thursday our second full day in the area we were at the church to pick up a new member list and a young man names Juan asked us to teach him! He has been coming to the ward mutuals to play soccer with the young men and decided he wanted to learn more! We taught him right there and had a really great lesson! We also got to know his mom who is really amazing! She is really worried about Juan and is super happy that we are helping him. During our lesson she called Juan to see where he was and was so surprised to hear that he was in a church that I had to talk to her so that she believed him haha! She later on found him reading the Book of Mormon that we gave him and was even more surprised. After that she really wanted to learn more. Yesterday we had a lesson with her and it was really special! As my companion shared the first vision with her the spirit was so strong and after she told us with tears in her eyes that she is going to do what Joseph Smith did and pray and ask Heavenly Father if this is true and if she needs to be baptized. I know that she will receive her answer and I can`t wait to see her all in white at her baptism! This is just one of the many miracles we have seen opening the area here in Santos Lugares! And another blessing is that we haven`t gotten too lost haha! 

I hope you are all enjoying the olympics! Everyone is talking about them here and are super excited about the basketball team! It is cool to see everyone with their flags out and all wearing Argetina shirts. I really love Argentina and am enjoying my time here so much! I cannot believe how fast time is passing by!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes! I can`t believe I will be 20 years old in just a few days! Thank you for everything, I hope you all have a great week! Love and miss you all! 

Elder Petersen

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

July 25, 2016

A family in our ward where the mom is active but her husband and two sons aren´t are super funny! The oldest son does like midevil fighting and he has like the whole outfit and everything! The other brother was showing us the helmet and he told me to put it on so I did. It just slid on and I had it on for a couple minutes and I tried to take it off and it just wouldn´t come off! They all thought I was joking but then when they saw how I hard I was trying to get it off they kind of got worried! haha We tried for like 10 mintues and it finally came off! My ears were super red and burning and my head hurt after for a while to but now everything is okay!

Monday, July 18, 2016



Looks like you all had a good time boating! Can´t believe it has been a year since we last did that, crazy! I cannot believe Gabi and Joshua are going into 6th grade! They are getting so big! Is Joshua getting a litle bit skinnier? It looks like it! I had a good week! I am having some problems with my companions but that´s okay. It´s not that I am having problems with either of them but they aren´t getting a long very well.. Elder Núñez has been super sick this week so i hope I don´t get sick as well.. It is pretty cold here, but this week it should be warming up and it isn´t supposed to rain all week which is good! I wish I could go to the temple so bad!! It has been over 6 months since I have been and it is pretty sad! I think we are going pretty soon and then I will be going with Eduardo and Jessica in November which I can´t wait for!! What should I say to the byu coach?? Here is a picture of what we had for lunch yesterday at the Johnson´s!! German pancakes and biscuts and gravy, so good!!! 

Monday, July 11, 2016

Chivilcoy 7.11.16

This week we had a special training in Bragado which is like a two and a half hour drive and it reminded me of drives to Utah. Chivilcoy is on the way out to Bragado and on the way back we had to bring back the Elders from the training to their area (Chivilcoy) so while we were there I stopped by an investigators house from when I was there and it was really good to see her!

Keisy´s baptism! 7.11.16

Monday, July 4, 2016

Surprise Text from The Piccardo Family 7-3-16

July 4, 2016


Mom! It is so good to hear from you! It was also really good to hear from you yesterday at the Piccardo´s. Sorry I am writing so late but we spent all day at President Robertson´s house for the 4th of July! We had a super fun time! We played fusbol, ate, and just had a good time! I hungout with Dallas (the older son of the two that are here with the Robertson´s) quite a bit, he is a great kid! Here is a picture of us two! We won the fusbol tournament haha Thank you for all the pictures, I really enjoyed them! Did Joshua have a good time at lacrosse camp?? Why is Madiés hair so blonde?? haha I haven´t heard from her in a while! Did you make it home safe from Utah already or are you still on the road? Anything fun you did today or have planned?? I hope you had a great 4th! Miss and love you lots!!

June 22, 2016

Getting all of the materials ready for transfers.. 

First english class!!

Look who I found this week!!! They had a stake activity for YM and YW and it was at our building! I got to talk to Hermana Sonia, Eduardo and Gonzalo! Eduardo even called Yessica and I got to talk to her (even though you aren´t supposed to do that.. haha) They loved the gift so much! 

June 22, 2016

Family and friends,

Happy Monday to all! I hope you all had a great week! I, again, had another great week and was really blessed this week! This past transfer all of the zones had special zone conferences with President and Hermana Robertson and the assistants giving training. Last week was our week to go! We always prepare all of the stuff and are sometimes there for a while to help but normally we don´t stay for the actual training, but since it was our zone we were able to stay and it was excellent! We still were running in and out and all over the place to get things for President and the assistants and fixing problems, but I still was able to learn a lot! President and Hermana Robertson talked about setting goals and why we set weekly and daily goals in the mission. They really explained the importance of goal setting and helped me to realize their importance. We set goals to be able to push ourselves to be able to achieve them. A lot of times in the mission we set goals that are unreasonable and we never meet them, but that doesn´t do anything! President said that he learned from an apostle that he is supposed to help the missionaries fulfill their goals because those are the people who will be successful after the mission. From now on I will be setting goals that are achievable but only through hard work to be able to push me and help me have the success that the Lord wants me to have. The assistants talked about studying and how we can improve our studies. I have been with them while they have been preparing and practicing their workshop so I have heard a lot of it and it has helped me a lot. It really changed how I study and what I need to do better to have more uplifting and spiritual studies. 

Yesterday I had a really cool experience with prayer! We had planned with an investigator to call them at 9:00 to see if they were ready for church or not and if they weren´t we were going to get them and take them to church. I called at 9:00 (like we said we would) but the phone wouldn´t work. I tried a couple of different times but it didn´t work. We were going to go get her and bring her to church but President needed some things in the office so we didn´t have time. We went to sacrament meeting at 9:30 when it starts hoping that she would be there. We went through all sacrament meeting without her showing up so we decided to go get her really fast and then bring her back for the second half of the second hour classes and then third hour. We got to the house and rang and rang and rang the doorbell but no one came. After about 10 minutes of waiting outside I rang and then said a quick prayer that at least someone would come to the door. I said amen and said to my companion that we were going to ring one more time and then if she didn´t come we would leave. before I could even ring the doorbell a less active member that lives with our investigator opened the door! Although she wasn´t ready for church, I was so excited that my prayer was answered and that we were going to have someone in church! Thiara (the less active) explained to us that they weren´t able to sleep all of the night before because they live on a main street with a bunch of bars where they are always partying and stuff so they didn´t wake up in the morning. She went and woke up Keisy (our investigator) and they got ready as fast as they could and we went to church! Although they weren´t there for the whole time, it was so great to see them in church! I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers every single one of our prayers! He knows each one of us personally and loves us so much. I want you all to know that I love you all as well! I hope you are all doing great! Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you and I will do my best to help you all the way from Argentina! I hope you have an amazing week! 

Elder Petersen

June 20, 2016

Dear family and friends of Argentina Buenos Aires West missionaries,

Due to Flag Day here in Argentina there have been some complications with the communication of the missionaries to their families and friends. Some missionaries have been able to contact their families but in some areas the missionaries have not been able to do so. If you do not hear from your missionary today, they will be writing tomorrow. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to let me know. Have a wonderful day!


Élder Petersen
Secretario Ejecutivo del Presidente
Misión Argentina Buenos Aires Oeste
Ballesteros 1076
Villa Sarmiento Buenos Aires
1136959566 | 4656944528

mission logo

Monday, June 6, 2016

June 6, 2016

This is Martin a young man in our ward!

It was the Johnson´s 45th anniverary on Saturday so we made them dinner and did something nice for them.. It was really awesome!

Surprise Text.....6-5-16

Hello! How's it going? Is Elder Petersen's mom? I'm Lucía Piccardo, I've some things to share with you! 

Haha great! we are the Piccardo family, and we have become good friends of your child! he is very special, and always so much fun when they come home for lunch with elder Enriquez, we love spending time with the missionaries. Elder petersen told us that he miss so much his little brothers, and we have seen that he has a special love for children. He has a special relationship with my little brothers, and they share each other drawings or letters. And honestly we feel his love to our family, and is a great example for them. Sooo, I'will share with you some pictures that we took in the last weeks. some are the product of my little brothers fun haha (sorry for my English hahaha) 

Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day 2016

Family and friends,
  I hope you are all enjoying your Memorial Day weekend and your last few days off of school for this year! Although I was sick for a lot it, I had another great week here in Argentina! 
  Right now we do not have many investigators in our area and we are focusing on finding new people to teach. We have found a couple really great people so far and know that we will only continue to find people that the Lord has prepared for us to teach. One of these new investigators was a miracle! One day he just came to the offices and rang the doorbell. We went out and talked to him and got to know him a little bit. We invited him to a family home evening that we were having later that day. We forgot to get a number or his address and so when he didn´t come we kind of forgot about it until the next Friday when he showed up to the family home evening! He showed up about an hour early but luckily we were there and were able to teach him. He stayed for the family home evening and really enjoyed it! We got his phone number and address this time to be able to visit him in his house but with me being sick we weren´t able to visit him. We tried calling him and contacting him but weren´t able to get a hold of him. Friday night came around again for the family home evening and I was in divisions in Haedo but Elder Enriquez and our District Leader Elder Kikuchi went to his house to get him to come. He wasn´t there but they were able to talk to and get to know his mom who is very nice and set up a time to come back. By the time they had gotten back to the church for the activity, Oscar (the boy) was already there! He had another good time and really likes learning more about the gospel! This is just one of the many examples of miracles from working in the offices! Although we don´t get much time or as much time as the other missionaries to proselyte, we are definitely blessed for our work we do here. 
  Like I said earlier, this week I went on divisions in Haedo with Elder Mattinson and we had some really neat experiences! Right now something we are focusing on in the mission is the baptismal invitation and how to explain baptism. We have been focusing a lot on teaching the actual lessons with the guides we have received and with that we haven´t been explaining baptism as well as we could have been. The assistants gave a great workshop on baptism and it really helped me a lot! I was able to put it to use in a lesson we had in Haedo. The Elders there have a baptism this coming Saturday with a women named Maria who is really awesome! We went to visit her and her family on the division. She lives with her brother, daughter, and two grandsons. One of the grandsons, Gaston, who is 10 also really wants to get baptized and is ready to but his mom would not let him. The Elders have wanted to teach his mom for months now but have never been able to, she never wanted to listen. Elder Mattinson and I were lucky and caught her on a good day. When we first sat down and were getting to know each other she left to go buy some things really fast bust came back after 15-20 minutes when we were talking about Maria´s baptism for the coming Saturday. She was about to leave the room again when we asked if she would sit down with us for a few minutes as we finish up the lesson. She reluctantly agreed and joined in our conversation about baptism. At first she didn´t say too much and just was there. Once we started asking her some questions she opened up a little more which helped us a lot! She explained why she didn´t want her son to get baptized and we told her that we respected her decision and then explained baptism in a simple way so that she could understand why we need to get baptized, the difference between baptism in our church and others, and the blessings of baptism. She really felt the spirit and had a change of heart. After months of avoiding listening to the missionaries, she accepted a baptismal date for the end of June! It was such a neat experience for us and an experience that helped me realize a few very important things. 1. As we follow our leaders and their counsel we will be blessed. 2. We need to be patient and loving with everyone because the Lord is always preparing His children and everything will work out in His way and in His time. 3. We are all given different talents and abilities for many different reasons and we need to use the special gifts to help others. I know that we will be able to have more experiences like this in my area as we continue to find the people who have been prepared to hear our message. 
  I hope you all know how much I love being a missionary and how much I am enjoying Argentina and the people here! This is definitely an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I am trying my best to make the most of it because it is going by way too fast! Enjoy the rest of your long weekend and your day off today and have a great week! Love you all!
Elder Petersen

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Salerno Family

The Salerno family. Hermana Salerno, their family friend Marta, Kiarra, and Martin who turned 18! This was his birthday party!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

May 23, 2016

Family and friends,

   I hope everything is going well for you all! I am emailing today because Sunday night I got pretty sick and our mission president’s wife wanted me to rest all day yesterday so that is why today I am emailing. I  am feeling better and know I will be back to 100% soon so please don´t worry about me! 
   This week was an amazing week!! This past Tuesday we had our zone meeting and to start the meeting our zone leaders had a “pastor” (a missionary in his/her last transfer) share his testimony. Elder Morrill was also assistant to the President for 5 transfers shared some thoughts and they were great! He talked about being consecrated, not only as missionaries, but for our whole lives. Doing this will help us to reach our potential and develop all of the gifts Heavenly Father has given us. Elder Morrill is such a great example of hard work, compassion, and humility. I am very grateful for the opportunity I have had to get to know him and work with him in the offices. That night I was so excited to work, especially with not being able to much the week before, and we had some very cool experiences. Right now we do not have many investigators and we are focusing on finding people to teach. Tuesday night we filled our agenda with people and especially families who had at one point in time received at least one of the missionary lessons. We had passed by almost all of them and we hadn´t had much success but that didn´t matter because with every “We´re busy right now” or “We go to another church”, we knew we were one step closer to finding someone who Heavenly Father had prepared to listen to our message. As we were walking down the street at about 8:00, my companion had just taken a call from a missionary who needed help, when I felt like we needed to knock at this door. At first I didn´t listen because my companion was talking on the phone, but the feeling came again and I knew I couldn´t keep on going. We turned around and walked back to the house. I waited for my companion to hang up and told him that we needed to contact this house. I rang the doorbell and a girl came to the window. She opened the curtain a little to see who it was, saw that it was us, and then walked away. I felt terrible that I had this prompting to stop by this house, just to be rejected without even being talked to. We were just about to leave when a women came to the door. She told us that they were super busy right now and that we would have to pass by another time so that her husband could be there as well. She continued to tell us that a few years ago the missionaries came to their house and that they had gone to church before! We are super excited to get to know their family and help them receive the blessings of baptism. 
   This week we were also super busy because Tuesday President told us that he would like to have a meeting with all of the missionaries who end this transfer and the transfer coming up on Friday! We were busy all week coordinating all of the travel, the food, the companionships, and all the behind the scenes work that has to be done for mission events! This was the first time we have ever done this type of meeting, but we were able to get everything planned and organized and everything turned out really great! The missionaries were able to have an amazing spiritual experience and it helped them a lot! I am so lucky that I get to be a part of all of these events because there are not very other missionaries that have those same opportunities! This meeting talked about how often times the missionaries who are close to ending their missions stop working as hard as they can and don´t finish as well as they could have or should have and then they regret that as they return home. President talked about how they are the missionaries with the most experience and ability to teach, that they should be having the most lessons, the most baptisms, and the most investigators in church every week. He explained how it is our responsibility to save souls and that if we stop giving our all as we come to an end of our missions we are failing with that responsibility. Everything that was said helped me to realize that how short two years is! This week I will have 9 months in my mission and I cannot believe it! Although I still have a lot of time left, time is going by fast and I have to make the most of every second I have here! I only have two years to sacrifice everything I have and as I do that I will be able to receive blessings for the rest of my life. Something that President said really struck me. He said “there are missionaries who do what is necessary, those that do everything possible, and those that do the impossible”. Why can´t we be those missionaries that do the impossible? We can and I know that we will be able to as we rely on the Lord, give everything we have, and show our faith. I am very lucky that I was able to be in this meeting! It changed my mission and with the things I learned I know that I am going to work harder and be a much more effective missionary! 
   I wanted to share another cool experience that we had on Saturday. Saturday is our only full day we have to work outside so we always are super excited and work really hard! We didn´t have a lunch with a member on Saturday so we just decided to work until we got hungry. We worked all morning really hard and up to about 3:00 in the afternoon. We ate pretty fast and then were just resting in the offices and looking at our plans for the afternoon for the rest of our lunch time. I thought I heard a knock at the door of the conference room we have in the offices that goes out to the church but I didn´t think too much of it. After a little bit, I heard the knocking again, but again said “no one is in the church and no one is usually in the offices at this time on a Saturday so why would someone be knocking”. The third time I heard it I knew I had to go see. We got up to go see and when I opened the door no one was there but when we walked to the church we saw 6 missionaries sitting down by the door. I asked them if they had knocked at the door and they said no and I knew that it was a prompting from the Holy Ghost. Now to explain the rest of the story, every Saturday the missionaries from the mtc here go out and do contacts. They receive an assigned area and work in that area trying to help the missionaries have more people to visit. These missionaries were all from the states and there assigned area was super far away but one of them had gotten sick, super lightheaded and dizzy, and somehow they had managed to make it to the church. The phone they had was dead and they had no way to contact someone to let them know what was happening. We let them use our phone and they were able to get everything figured out. I know that everything happens for a reason and that we stayed out until 3:00 so that we would be able to be in the offices to help those missionaries. I am so very grateful for experiences like these and for Heavenly Father´s hand in our lives guiding and directing us.
To end I wanted to share with you a poem. Here it is:
The Race
Whenever I start to hang my head in front of failure’s face, 
    my downward fall is broken by the memory of a race. 
A children’s race, young boys, young men; how I remember well,
    excitement sure, but also fear, it wasn’t hard to tell. 
They all lined up so full of hope, each thought to win that race 
    or tie for first, or if not that, at least take second place. 
Their parents watched from off the side, each cheering for their son, 
    and each boy hoped to show his folks that he would be the one.

The whistle blew and off they flew, like chariots of fire, 
    to win, to be the hero there, was each young boy’s desire. 
One boy in particular, whose dad was in the crowd, 
    was running in the lead and thought “My dad will be so proud.” 
But as he speeded down the field and crossed a shallow dip, 
    the little boy who thought he’d win, lost his step and slipped. 
Trying hard to catch himself, his arms flew everyplace, 
    and midst the laughter of the crowd he fell flat on his face. 
As he fell, his hope fell too; he couldn’t win it now.
    Humiliated, he just wished to disappear somehow.

But as he fell his dad stood up and showed his anxious face, 
    which to the boy so clearly said, “Get up and win that race!” 
He quickly rose, no damage done, behind a bit that’s all, 
    and ran with all his mind and might to make up for his fall. 
So anxious to restore himself, to catch up and to win,
    his mind went faster than his legs. He slipped and fell again. 
He wished that he had quit before with only one disgrace. 
    “I’m hopeless as a runner now, I shouldn’t try to race.”

But through the laughing crowd he searched and found his father’s face 
    with a steady look that said again, “Get up and win that race!” 
So he jumped up to try again, ten yards behind the last. 
    “If I’m to gain those yards,” he thought, “I’ve got to run real fast!” 
Exceeding everything he had, he regained eight, then ten... 
    but trying hard to catch the lead, he slipped and fell again. 
Defeat! He lay there silently. A tear dropped from his eye. 
    “There’s no sense running anymore! Three strikes I’m out! Why try? 
I’ve lost, so what’s the use?” he thought. “I’ll live with my disgrace.” 
    But then he thought about his dad, who soon he’d have to face.

“Get up,” an echo sounded low, “you haven’t lost at all, 
    for all you have to do to win is rise each time you fall. 
Get up!” the echo urged him on, “Get up and take your place! 
    You were not meant for failure here! Get up and win that race!” 
So, up he rose to run once more, refusing to forfeit, 
    and he resolved that win or lose, at least he wouldn’t quit. 
So far behind the others now, the most he’d ever been,
    still he gave it all he had and ran like he could win. 
Three times he’d fallen stumbling, three times he rose again. 
    Too far behind to hope to win, he still ran to the end.

They cheered another boy who crossed the line and won first place, 
    head high and proud and happy -- no falling, no disgrace. 
But, when the fallen youngster crossed the line, in last place, 
    the crowd gave him a greater cheer for finishing the race. 
And even though he came in last with head bowed low, unproud, 
    you would have thought he’d won the race, to listen to the crowd. 
And to his dad he sadly said, “I didn’t do so well.” 
    “To me, you won,” his father said. “You rose each time you fell.”

And now when things seem dark and bleak and difficult to face, 
    the memory of that little boy helps me in my own race. 
For all of life is like that race, with ups and downs and all. 
    And all you have to do to win is rise each time you fall. 
And when depression and despair shout loudly in my face, 
    another voice within me says, “Get up and win that race!”

This poem can mean something different to everyone so my challenge for this week is that you all can read it and take some time to think about what it means for you all individually. If you want to share with me your thoughts about it, I would love to hear what you all think. 

I hope you all have a great week! Talk to you on Monday!   
