Monday, December 5, 2016

More Changes 12.5.16

Happy December to all! I hope everyone has put up the Christmas tree and all the other decorations and started listening to Christmas Music, we sure have! 

 This week was one of the best weeks of my mission! We worked super hard and our hardwork paid off! Something we are focusing on right now in the mission is working with the members and we had lots of success doing that this week! Elder Ortolano and I are super excited because we are going to be able to do that even better this new transfer. This week we had a meeting with President Robertson and our stake president and it went really well! President Fernandez wants to help and has always loved doing visits with the missionaries but for the past year and a half ever since the zone leaders were taken out of his ward he hasn´t worked with them as much as he would like. President Robertson was happy to hear about all the things the stake of Marcos Paz is doing to help the missionary work and granted President Fernandez wish; We will now be working in Arco Iris! I didn´t think I would be getting a new area so soon, but I am very excited for the new oportunities that will come in Arco Iris! The good thing about only being in an area for two weeks is that it isn´t as hard to say goodbye to the people. Although I will miss the many great members and people I got to know here in Mariano Acosta, I am very excited to be in Arco Iris. On Saturday when President let us know what would be happening I went to my new area to be able to get to know the people a little and I loved it! It is similar to where I am now but there was just something special that I am super excited to figure out what it is! 

 Yesterday the stake of Marcos Paz had their stake conference and it was super good! We made plans with 12 investigators to go and were super excited to have them all there! The plans didn´t turn out as we had hoped and only one was able to make it.. Although it was kind of discouraging, I know next week will be better and that the two new missionaries in this area will have all of them and more in church next week! I would like to share a story that was shared in the stake conference with you all. President and Hermana Robertson were driving down the streets of Brazil in the poring rain when they passed a bus stop where a young mother was waiting for the bus with her little child in her arms. They passed the women and then Hermana Robertson asked if President had seen the woman on the side of the road. He replied that he had seen her and that he felt very bad for her. She then told President how she had a strong desire to tell her that she is loved by her Father in Heaven and that He has a plan for her and her young family. They decided to turn around but when they had gotten back to where she was standing before, she was gone. For 25 years this experience haunted the both of them and how they missed the oportunity to share the gospel with this woman. Years later a similar experience happened in Peru. They passed a man on the side of the road crying. This time without hesitation they speedily returned to talk to this man. He had reently been robbed of all the items he was selling on the side of the road and the money he had. The Robertson´s were able to help him buy some new items to sell but more importantly testify of the Savior and His love for each and every one of us. We can learn a lot from this experience of the Robertson´s. I hope that we can all quicly recognize the promptings of the spirit, not hesitate and speedily act on these things. This week I invite you all to do this. I invite you to make goals on what you can do to better recognize the influence of the Holy Ghost in your lives. I know you will be blessed as you do this and will be able to receive even more of these promptings! 

 I love each and every one of you and am so grateful for your examples. I hope you all have a wonderful week! Talk to you soon! 

Elder Petersen

1 comment:

  1. Elder since you re with Elder Ortolano i may presume that you are a zone leader. Congratulations! We knew it was only a matter of time. You are a great man and we love and appreciate what you are doing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your companion in your work.

    Flia Johnson
