Monday, October 31, 2016

#NOV94 10.31.16

Well this was one of the best weeks of my mission! I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be a representative of Jesus Christ and be here in Argentina! At the beginning of this week I met my new companion, Elder Tanner, and we got right to work! He is from Utah and is super great! He came with great desires to serve others and already speaks really well! This week we received the goals for baptisms and confirmations for November and December and they are higher than they ever have been, 94 in November and 376 in  December! 94 is because we are 94 companionships in the mission and the goals is that every companionship can baptize this month! 376 is 94 times 4 for 4 weeks in December. We are going to baptize every week in December every companionship! I was a little surprised when I heard these goals but I am so excited! I know that through faith and hard work we can accomplish anything! The Lord does not give us anything that we cannot do! We are going to need your prayers to help us meet this goal.

We have already seen lots of miracles this week as we have been trying to find people to teach and prepare for baptism in November and December, I will share a few.. Michael our investigator that we have been working with for quite a while now went to church with us yesterday like he always does. On our way to church I asked him if he has thought about his baptism recently and he said "yes, I actually wanted to talk about that. I want to get baptized!" We were so happy for him and his decision and he is going to get baptized the 19th! Cristian Gomez made it to church on time yesterday with his family yesterday and they are getting closer and closer to being able to get married and then he will get baptized! Yesterday we were walking down the street after a lesson and we saw two women working on their little garden outside their house and we stopped to help and talk to them. We did a contact and basically just started teaching them. They paid attention and really enjoyed the lesson and were very grateful for the Book of Mormon we gave them! After the lesson they told us that they are never outside but they felt like they needed to be for some reason. It was a great blessing to be able to find that family that is very special! They have a little girl who is 4 who fell out of the second story window of their house when she was two and nothing happened to her! I know that she was protected by our loving Heavenly Father and that He has a special plan for her and her family and for all of us! I love being a missionary and meeting amazing people like this! 

Have an amazing week and please pray for our mission goal so that we can find people to teach and baptize! Love and miss you all so much! 

Elder Petersen

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