Week Dos
I had suchagreat week here at the MTC! My ability to speak Spanish and understand the language has significantly increased, it truly is amazing! Me and Elder Lundell are like perfect for each other! When we teach lessons he is really good at memorizing things and has already memorized the first vision in Spanish which is amazing and I am good at just talking and connecting with the investigators. My district is awesome and I love each and everyone of them for a special reason! I hope you are all enjoying your Saturday and you better be watching college football. I really hate not knowing what is going on in the sports world. I run into people I know here all the time and it's great, I love it! Thank you to all of those of you who have sent me letters. It's great to actually get real letters! Sorry this letter is so short, I don't have much to say this week! Lots of Spanish and learning but I absolutely love it! Hope everything is going well back home! I want to let you all know how much I love and miss you! You are all in my prayers! Thanks for all you have done for me to prepare me for this point in my life!
Elder Petersen
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