Monday, March 6, 2017

Thanks for ALL the emails...3.6.17

Note from mom: Adam emailed me and said that was the most emails he has EVER received on his ENTIRE mission.. Thank you to all who wrote.  

Family and friends,

 Thank you so much for all the love and support! I love and miss you all so much! 

 This week was another great week! Elder Gutierrez and I are working really hard and are receiving lots of blessing for that! We have found lots of new investigators and they all have real interest, something we have been looking for for a while here in Arco Iris! We are also working on taking out some wrinkles in our teaching so that the Holy Ghost can testify to the people. Something I have been working on a lot lately is praying for my companion while he is talking so that he can have the right words at the right time to help every person we teach and it has helped because he teaches very well and really knows how to help the people! I look forward to learning each day from him! 

 A really cool experience we had this week was on Saturday visiting all our investigators to make plans with them to come to church on Sunday. We didn´t have much success in the morning because appointments fell and no one really received us until we met Diego. He was outside working in the yard and came up to us and said hi. We thought it was kind of weird at first, but gladly starting talking to him. He toald us that he had talked to other missionaries about a year ago but then went on vacations and never was able to contact them again. He brought out some chairs and we were able to teach him right there! He remembered quite a bit and still wants to be baptized! He accepted to go to church the next day and when we went to pick him up he was all ready and wating for us! He really enjoyed the meetings and is progressing towards a baptismal date on the 25th of March! We also had two other investigators in church that we weren´t really expecting that surprised us and made us super happy!! We are looking forward to another great week here with lots of new investigators and all of them in church! 

Elder Petersen

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