Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year 2017

The cutest little girl ever Angelina! 

Sweat lines from my backpack...

My new Boca jersey!

104 degree weather is worth it to see a sunset like this!! Happy New Year

Wow that is super disappointing about the buckeyes!! Oh well, next year will be better! They just didn´t want to win while I wouldn´t be there to see it haha I cannot believe it is already 2017! A year with lots of changes! I am glad you enjoyed your new years! Elder Ortolano and I went to sleep at like 9:30 until 11:30 and then woke up to watch all the fireworks haha we bought watermelon and then ate our oreos! There were some pretty good fireworks and lightning at the same time, pretty crazy! It was SUPER hot this week!! On Saturday it was 104 degrees and we were dying! We just sweat all day and all night as well! It has been pretty rough but just gotta enjoy it while I can! This week it isn´t going to be as hot and is supposed to rain as well which we are excited for haha For it being so hot I didn´t get burnt too bad this week which was good! Yesterday Karina got confirmed which we were super excited about and Pedro also came to church so he will be getting baptized on the 14th! Overall it was a really good week but we are looking forward to a better week this week! 

Cool experience of the week: 

 We found an investigator Elder Ortolano and I named Rosanna and her daughter Ada. At first she was a little hesitant to talk to us but we were actually jsut looking for another person but couldn´t find the house. She helped us and was about to walk away but we kind of just started teaching without letting her realize it. She listened, paid attention and accepted a Book of Mormon and a date to return. We went back and decided to invite a member to go with us. We get to the house and Rosanna comes out and says that she is comfortable with her religion and doesn´t want to make any changes without reading or praying. Elder Ortolano and I were shocked because the first lesson we had with her was great and we were super excited to go back! We didn´t know what to say and did everything we could to convince her to listen to us and to read and pray. The member that we brought butted in and ended up saving us! She just testified of the gospel and her love for it and how much it will help her and her family. Rosanna ended up accepting another visit and this member saved any chance we had of teaching her. Us as missionaries can do a lot of things that members can´t do but there is no way we can have success without the members, WE NEED YOUR HELP! I hope you can continue to share your testimony and love for the gospel to everyone! 

Elder Petersen

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