Monday, March 14, 2016

Aleluya 2016 3.14.16

Hello all! I hope you had an amazing week and are pushing through your last Monday before spring break (You can do it!). I had another great week here in Argentina and I am loving this country and the people here more and more each and every day! I am so grateful for the opportunity Heavenly Father has given me to be able to serve here and get to know all the wonderful people here! 
 I titled this weeks email Aleluya 2016 because of the new Easter video that came out yesterday! If you haven´t seen it yet you have to go watch it today! It is super great! It talks all about how we can find a new life through Christ. I know that is true. As we follow Christ and His example we will find a new life and will be blessed beyond compare. I have found a new life from doing this and also have seen it in the lives of many people here, it really is amazing. I invite you all to follow Christ, in whatever way or form it may be. Find something you could do better to be more like Christ because we can all "try a little harder to be a little better". After seeing the video last week I challenged myself do be more like Christ in not only my actions but my thoughts. I have noticed a huge change as I have tried to always thing good thoughts even when I am having a bad day or when I am having a hard time with other people. I have seen as I have done this I have had the spirit more with me. I have been more charitable and had more desires to serve others all the time. i am so grateful for the blessing that Heavenly Father has given me and I was ale to change because of this video. I know I am not perfect and have a long way to go with lots more things to change but it was a good start. I know that you all will feel this way as you find something you can do better to follow the Savior and you will be blessed for your efforts. 
 I was blessed with the opportunity to find new people to teach! We were able to find a great family with four kids all about the age of 8 who are amazing! They are all so well behaved and really good listeners. I am super excited to work with them more this week and to help them follow Jesus Christ more and receive the blessings that He has for them. I know that Heavenly father has blessings ready for each and every one of us. I know that as we do our best and put our faith to the test He will work out the rest. I want you all to know how blessed you really are and that you shouldn´t take for granted those blessings. Always give thanks to the Lord for His blessings because there are many.
 I love you all so much and am so grateful for your examples in my life. I hope you all have a great week! 
Elder Petersen

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