Monday, February 1, 2016

Flat Tires and Water Balloons 2.1.16

Buenasdías todos! I hope you are all doing great and are starting off February amazingly! I have loved hearing from lots of you about your bad habbits that you are changing, it is so awesome! Keep up the good work!
 I had a great week, like always! Elder Groen and I are working really hard to find new people to teach because the investigators we have are great but aren´t coming to church or progressing. I know this week we are going to be blessed with lots of new great investigators! Funny story for the week: We were walking through the main plaza in the center of the city to go get my bike fixed..again! My fourth flat tire of the transfer among other problems, but that´s okay! Whenever we go through the plaza groups of kids always want to talk to us so we stop and answer their questions about Mormons for a little. This time as we were talking with some kids, another kid on his bike rode by and threw a water balloon at my back. I got soaking wet! I was able to just laugh it off and wasn´t angry at all which is something that NEVER would have happened before my mission! I am so grateful for this time Heavenly Father has given me to not only further His work, but to become a better person as well! I really have changed so much but for the better and am so grateful for that! 
 For those of you who know about soccer in Argentina, the two biggest teams played this week, Boca and River. I was wearing a red tie that day because I didn´t know they were playing so I obviously had to go back and change because I am from Boca, the better team! They ended up losing, but they will get them next time! 
 My challenge for the week is do a small act of service every day! This week we were in a little kiosco (store) next to our pench for something and I felt like I should do something for the worker. I ended up buying an alfejor and giving it to her. I don´t know why I felt like I needed to do that or even if I needed to but it doesn´t matter. She really appreciated it and that is all that matters! Although it was something very small, I felt so good! I know that as you all do little acts of service like that every day you will feel the same way I did and do every day, great! You never know what people are going through and what a small act of service can do for them. Just a smile, holding the door, or letting someone in in the parking lot are great ideas! I know you will all be blessed as you do those things and serve like our Savior Jesus Christ!
 I love and miss you all and hope you all have a great week!!
Elder Petersen

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