I hope you all had a great week! I am sure it wasn´t as good as mine, but I hope it was still good! My week really was amazing and I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be a representative of Jesus Christ here in Argentina and know I have been called here for many reasons!
I will start with Elder Bednar. Our meeting with him was Wednesday so the missionaries in campo (super far away) had to come Tuesday and stay the night here. There were a lot of them and we had to get them dinner and figure out all of the details for where they were staying, make sure everyone was where they were supposed to be when they were supposed to be there, and most importantly get everything ready for Wednesday so that it went smoothly. We were running all over the place cleaning and organizing when I walked into the office and heard the door bell. It was a lady so Elder Rojas and I went out to talk to her. She was with her 10 year old son who has epilepsy and she had been walking around all day to try and find someone to help her with some things she needed for her son. We were able to help her and most of all serve her. It was a really great experience that I really needed to have. It helped remind me that we need to slow things down and always look for opportunities to serve so they don´t have to come knocking at our door. I am grateful that Heavenly Father did help her to knock at our door so that we did have the opportunity to serve but I want you all to be better than me and learn from my mistakes and find opportunities to serve without being asked. We really are so blessed and it is an amaing opportunity and responsibility we have to serve Heavenly Fathers children. This also helped me better prepare for listening to an apostle the next day which was so amazing! As soon as he walked in with his wife I felt the spirit overwhelmingly a long with everyone else in the room. I am so grateful that I KNOW we have a living day prophet and apostles who lead and guide this church and I know they have been called of God.
First off, I want to talk about something Sister Bednar said. She asked us to do everything we can to make sure we are the missionaries that our moms think we are. This hit me really hard. I know many of you know how close I am with my mom and how much I think of her and how she thinks WAY too much of me. It made me want to be better, to change the little things to be even better and the missionary or person my mom thinks I am. Are we the people our moms think we are? I challenge you all to think about that question a little bit this week and also to change the things you need to change if you are not. Elder Bednar talked a lot about the spirit and faith. He said how we need to be better about acting on our faith and not just saying we have faith. He gave an example which we have all done, about praying for the people who were not at church this week to help them get there the next week. He said that this is not a faithful prayer. he said we need to be saying "Father, we all know at least one person who wasn´t here at church today and right after this meeting we are going to go look for them, find them, and bring them back. Please help us to know what to say so that the spirit can touch their hearts and help them come back". This also hit me pretty hard. It made me think of my prayers and my faith. Am I asking too much without showing my faith and efforts first? It was very good to be able to evalutate my prayers this week and see how much they have changed and how I have been blessed for that. I know that as you all look at your prayers and see how you can "get your feet wet" by stepping in the water, showing your faith and acting, you will see the blessings as Heavenly Father will part the sea. There is so much I could say about this meeting but I don´t have much time so i hope you could learn a little bit of what I learned from this meeting.
I cannot believe it is already March tomorrow! Time is flying by and I am not liking it! Well, I hope you all have a great week! I love and miss you all!
Elder Petersen
p.s. I forgot to tell you all that I have my license here and have to drive quite a bit. It is way different driving here and is kind of scary, but it is awesome! haha Sorry just had to tell you all that!