Saturday, October 3, 2015

Ultima Semana en el CCM

Well I have completed my last full week in the MTC! I leave for Argentina in just a day and a half now and couldn't be more excited! Although I have never been to Argentina or know anyone there, I already love the people and culture! I feel like my Spanish is good here but I know as soon as I land in Argentina I will be in for a rude awakening! That's okay though because I know it will come with time. As I rely on and humble myself before the Lord he will bless and strengthen me. I hope you all were able to watch Elder Richard G. Scott's funeral on Monday of this week. I did not know he was a Mission President in Argentina! That was super cool to hear Elder Christopherson talk about his experiences with him in the mission field while serving in Argentina! One thing I learned from him is to never ask why we are going through something but to only ask what we can learn or what the Lord wants us to learn from our trials and hardships. This week Elder Lundell and I were able to listen to our very first lesson together in Spanish. Our teacher recorded it on his phone during the lesson without us knowing somehow. It was so funny to hear how bad we were at teaching in Spanish! We have come such a long way! It's amazing what we can do through the power of the Lord! Hopefully I will be able to send it home because our teacher is going to send it to us. Speaking of my teachers, I really have the two best teachers at the whole MTC! I am so grateful for their patience, diligence, hard work, and ability to follow and teach by the Spirit! We said goodbye to them yesterday and as we sang 'God Be With You Till We Meet Again' there was not a dry eye. We don't even know why we were crying! We are all so excited to finally get to our respective missions and couldn't be happier to start teaching real people and leave the MTC, but we are saying goodbye to the only things we have known during our time as Missionaries. Although it is a little bit scary, I couldn't be more ready or excited! I hope you have all been able to watch conference because it has been amazing! One quick shoutout to all the mothers reading this, present and future! Thank you for all your examples and your amazing ability to love and care for your children and for everyone! I am especially grateful for my mom and her example, guidance, and assistance in my life. Everyone please make sure to thank your mothers over these next few days for all that they have done for you! I would like to end with one more thought about weaknesses. Weaknesses are not sins. They are given to us by the Lord to bring us closer to him. He loves us so much and there is a purpose for every person we meet, trial we have, and blessing we receive. Remember to always rely on the Lord through all of those, in times of pain and in times of pleasure. In all our ways we need to acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths. I testify that Heavenly Father loves each and every one of you and knows you all individually. He wants to hear from you and you can talk to him through prayer. I know as you do this you will feel His love and see His Hand in your lives! Anyway, I love you all so much and am so grateful for all of your examples to me! Next time you hear from me will be in 9 days and I will be in Argentina! Please keep me in your prayers this next week as I travel and struggle with the language! 
Con Amor,

Elder Petersen

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