Today marks the one month mark for my mission! I have been at the MTC 31 days exactly and I am still loving it! The food has gotten a little old since it is the same thing pretty much everyday but I am grateful for what I have! Thank you to all those of you who have sent packages! I have more candy than you could ever want but I am saving it for our last night here when we have a fiesta with our district! Speaking of that, I have recieved my travel plans!! I leave in 9 days! Not this coming Monday but the next week! I fly to Atlanta and my flight leaves at 2:20 and then I will get to Atlanta at 7:50 Eastern time. After that my flight leaves at 10:00 from Atlanta and I get to Argentina at 9 in the morning. It is over a full 24 hours of travel because we report to the travel office at 8:30 here. Although that is not going to be fun at all, I am so excited to finally get to Argentina and start teaching and serving actual people! One thing this week that made me really excited for that was skype TRC! TRC is where we teach investigators who sometimes are members of the church and other times are real investigators. Our skype TRC was with a member who lives in Argentina! He had a Boca Jr's jersey on so I knew I would like him right away! I could understand pretty much everything he said which was super cool! Although I talk slow and pause sometimes in the middle of sentences to think, I know the people I have been teaching understand me because of the Holy Ghost. It is so cool to hear people (who actually speak real Spanish) tell you that they think your Spanish is perfect because they are being taught by the Spirit, not me.I am still so grateful for the gift of tongues and know it is not because of me but the power of the Lord! This week I tried to only talk in Spanish. It was really good at the beginning of the week and progressively got worse and worse but it did teach me what I can do to improve and showed me how much I actually know! It was a lot of fun to talk to people who don't know Spanish and try to explain in simple terms what we were trying to say because that is what we have to do in our lessons. I heard something this week that I absolutely loved! "5 words that are understood are better than 10,000 that are not". This hit me pretty hard! I realized that I need to focus on the basics and explain things simply so that my investigators will understand. Our teachers this week did a demo lesson for us so we could watch and learn what we can do to improve our teaching. I loved it so much! I have been so worried about my Spanish that I have forgotten how to properly teach! I need to again go back to the basics and focus on what I do know and slow down and teach by the spirit! It was a good reminder for me of how to teach and my lessons since then have been a lot better! I am so very grateful I have been blessed with a positive attitude because a lot of the missionaries in my District have been kinda down and hard on themselves this week but I haven't been stressed out at all and know that everything will be okay as I am obedient and work hard! The word for this in Spanish is tranquilo. It basically means chill, calm down, everything is going to be okay. I love this word and it has been very good for our District! We got a new District this week and one of the responsibilities of zone leaders are to welcome the new district and give them a tour. It was so fun to be able to do this and I hoped I gave the new missionaries some hope that they will be able to learn Spanish no matter how overwhelmed or worried they are right now! Anyway, I think that is all I have for this week! I love hearing from all of you so thank you for the e-mails and letters! I hope everything is going well for all of you! I love and miss you all!
Con amor,
Elder Petersen